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First Quarter, 2012 Special

Telecorp Products, a leader in Call Center Solutions, truly values our longtime, loyal customers and would like to make a special offer to upgrade your older version Call Reporting platform to the latest MCCS (Multi-Platform Contact Center Suite) web-based product. Through April 30, 2012 we will provide you with a trade-in value amounting to 25% discount on the new MCCS software product for your existing ACD/WIN, GRE or CentrEE product.

The new MCCS platform has the following features:

  • Web-based which provides the ability to access reports anytime and anywhere including mobile access from smartphones, tablets and pc’s
  • Compatible PBXs include Nortel, Cisco and Avaya for Real-Time & Historical Reporting
  • Web-based access in Multi-Site environments allowing access to remote sites/at home agents
  • Scalable with Unlimited Agents, PBXs and Supervisors
  • Ad Hoc Reporting
  • Customizable Real-time Viewing , Staffing Need Projections, Automatic Reporting via Email and much more

In addition to the MCCS web-based call reporting Telecorps solutions include:

  • Call Recording – Full time call recording provides the ability to monitor agent’s calls for training, dispute resolution, etc.
  • Net Q – Virtual real-time call and queue activity displayed at each agent’s workstation.
  • Wall Display – Wall Display Boards for real-time data messaging
  • Wall Display Plus – Displays scrolling messages, graphs, charts, ticker tape information and RSS Feeds on plasma screens, LCDs and computer screens.

We are excited to be able to make this offer to you today and if interested please call us at 248-960-6627 or email dlagrande@telecorpproducts.com to discuss this opportunity to save you money and be provided with the latest and greatest technology for your call reporting needs. For a quick 3 minute overview of the MCCS product please click the link below.

Telecorp Demo Video (Flash required)